Memory phrase for the Kanji: 乾


Meaning warming principle of the sun, trad. form of dry 干


gān, qián


Left: 倝 sunrise (sun 日 rises between plants 艹) [sunset is: 莫], right: horizontal person , 2nd 乙 (two 二 written quickly without lifting the pen)


At sunrise, the horizontal person feels at second position the warming sun.


sun riseThe sun 日 rises between plants 艹. The very similar radical 莫 stands for sunset. This seems bizarre, can be argued based on the characters for morning 朝 in comparison to evening 暮.
person lying downThis radical can be seen as a person 人 who has the right leg horizontal 一. He is thus lying. (Further radicals with "person" are: sitting 匕, sitting cross-legged 夂, kneeling ⺈, skilled 才, bending マ,卩, slumped 㔾 or husband 夫)
at second positionShows the number two 二 written quickly without lifting the pen.
sun riseThe sun 日 above the horizon 一 at sunrise.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


乾隆 Qián Lóng  Qianlong or Ch'ien-lung, emperor of the Qing dynasty, reigned sixty years (1735-1796)
乾坤 qián kūn  Heaven and earth; Yin and Yang; The Universe
旋乾转坤 xuán qián zhuǎn kūn  lit. overturning heaven and earth (idiom); earth-shattering; a radical change
旋乾转坤 xuán qián zhuǎn kūn  

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