Memory phrase for the Kanji: 俗
俗 |
| custom, convention, popular, vulgar, coarse
Pronunciation |
sú |
Explanation |
Left: person 人, right: valley 谷 (Shows a valley that opens into a plain 口.) |
People in the valleys have commonly coarse customs.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
通俗 |
tōng sú |
common; everyday; average |
庸俗 |
yōng sú |
filthy; vulgar; debased |
愤世嫉俗 |
fèn shì jí sú |
to be cynical; to be embittered |
愤世嫉俗 |
fèn shì jí sú |
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