Memory phrase for the Kanji: 吴


Meaning area comprising southern Jiangsu



Top: mouth 口, bottom: sky 天


A mouth above sky in Jiagsu.


southern Jiangsuarea comprising southern Jiangsu
mouth, openingThis is a small square. If it is bigger: 囗, it is an enclosure.
skyDon't mistake with "early death" 夭, even if there is some overlapping in the explanations. 
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


触礁 chù jiāo  
触礁 chù jiāo  
吴淞 Wú sōng  Wusong river and dock area in Shanghai
吴侬软语 Wú nóng ruǎn yǔ  pleasant-sounding Wu dialect
吴侬软语 Wú nóng ruǎn yǔ  
吴侬软语 Wú nóng ruǎn yǔ  

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