Memory phrase for the Kanji: 哇
哇 |
| Wow!, sound of child's crying or of vomiting
Pronunciation |
wā, wa |
Explanation |
Comprises: to vomit 吐 (From his mouth 口 to the ground 土 he disgorged his vomit) with an extra earth 土) [Or: heaps of earth 圭] |
To vomit on the ground sounds like crying or vomiting.
mouth, opening | This is a small square. If it is bigger: 囗, it is an enclosure. |
piled earth | Two times earth 土 on top of each other stands for piled-up earth. (Standing alone it has the meaning: jade sceptre) |
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
爪哇岛 |
Zhǎo wā Dǎo |
Java (island of Indonesia) |
爪哇 |
Zhǎo wā |
Java (island of Indonesia); Java (programming language) |
松巴哇岛 |
Sōng bā wā dǎo |
Sumbawa, Indonesian island east of Java |
松巴哇岛 |
Sōng bā wā dǎo |