Memory phrase for the Kanji: 壁



wall, rampart



Top: anal penetration, torture (buttock from the side , anus , needle as symbol for penetration or torture), bottom: earth


Anal penetration on the earth, but behind a wall.


torture, anal penetrationShows buttocks in sideview , anus opening and needle for penetration or torture.
earth, ground
buttocks in side viewThis radical has the meaning: corpse . But because of its use in tail or urine 尿 or flatulence 屁, it is generally considered to mean 'buttocks'.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 细胞壁  xì bāo bì  cell wall
 白壁微瑕  bái bì wēi xiá  a slight blemish
 白壁无瑕  bái bì wú xiá  impeccable moral integrity
 悬崖峭壁  xuán yá qiào bì  cliffside
 峭壁  qiào bì  cliff; steep; precipice
 颓垣断壁  tuí yuán duàn bì  crumbling fences and dilapidated walls (idiom)
 崖壁  yá bì  escarpment; precipice; cliff
 戈壁  Gē bì  Gobi (desert)
 壁画  bì huà  mural (painting); fresco
 隔壁  gé bì  next door; neighbor
 阴道棕榈状壁  yīn dào zōng lǘ zhuàng bì  palmate folds of cervical canal; plicae palmatae canalis cervicis uteri
 阴道棕榈状壁  yīn dào zōng lǘ zhuàng bì  

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