Memory phrase for the Kanji: 姗


Meaning to proceed slowly, leisurely, to deprecate, agile, graceful




Left: woman 女, right: book, booklet 册 (Here: two person 冂 walking hand-in-hand 一)


When women go 'hand-in-hand', they: proceeding slowly.


womanThe character for tall 大 shows a person 人 with outstretched arms 一. If you shift the lower strokes towards each other, you can get the: woman 女. The wider lower area can be understood as female hips?
book, booklet
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


罗姗 Luó shān  Roxanne or Roxane or Rosanna(name)
姗姗来迟 shān shān lái chí  to be late; to arrive slowly; to be slow in the coming
姗姗来迟 shān shān lái chí  to be late; to arrive slowly; to be slow in the coming
姗姗来迟 shān shān lái chí  

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