Memory phrase for the Kanji: 屿



Meaning islet



Left: mountain 山, right: and/together 与 (Arabic five 5 and one 一 is "and"-connection), here: Variation of island 岛 (= mountain 山, which only a bird 鸟/鳥 can reach)


The mountain which only a simplified bird can reach, get is an islet. (In comparison to island 岛, the bird has only space at the side of the mountain.)


with, and
birdAlso this 隹 is seen as a bird.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


岛屿 dǎo yǔ  island
岛屿 dǎo yǔ  
岛屿 dǎo yǔ  
岛屿 dǎo yǔ  

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