Memory phrase for the Kanji: 揭
揭 |
| to unmask, divulge, to take the lid off, to expose
Pronunciation |
jiē |
Explanation |
Left: hand 扌, right: interrogation 曷 (= The mouth with tongue 日 enwraps 勹 the person 人 in the corner at the interrogation.) |
The hand during an interrogation will unmask sth.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
揭示 |
jiē shì |
to show; to make known |
揭批 |
jiē pī |
to expose and criticize |
揭露 |
jiē lù |
to expose; to unmask; to ferret out; to disclose; disclosure |
揭谛 |
jiē dì |
revealer (protective god) |
揭谛 |
jiē dì |