Memory phrase for the Kanji: 武


Meaning martial, military



Left: correct 正 (To stop 止 at the line 一 is correct.), right: saber 弋


Correct sabers belong to: the military.


correctRadical 103 疋 stands for clothing or bales of cloth. In the Hanzi-Trainer, it is used synonymously with the correct 正, because it seems helpful for the explanations and the interpretation clothing/cloth bale would be in conflict with other radicals.
shoot, lanceIn the explanations this radical is referred as saber.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


武器 wǔ qì  weapon; arms
阮崇武 Ruǎn Chóng wǔ  Ruan Chongwu (1933-), third governor of Hainan
阮崇武 Ruǎn Chóng wǔ  
核武器 hé wǔ qì  nuclear weapon
武力 wǔ lì  (make use of) military force; military force; military power; military might
武力 wǔ lì  
武汉 Wǔ hàn  Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province
武装 wǔ zhuāng  arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces)
武装 wǔ zhuāng  

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