Memory phrase for the Kanji: 河


Meaning river



Left: water 氵, right: possible 可 (The nail 丁 into the opening 口 should be possible)


(i.e. for water transport) Water that makes things possible, is the river.


waterSimplified from this water 水
be possible
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


河南 Hé nán  Henan province (Honan) in central China
河清海晏 hé qīng hǎi yàn  the Yellow River is clear and the sea is calm; the world is at peace (idiom)
湄公河 Méi gōng hé  Mekong River
叶尔羌河 Yè ěr qiāng hé  Yarkant river in Xinjiang
叶尔羌河 Yè ěr qiāng hé  
叶尔羌河 Yè ěr qiāng hé  
河蟹 hé xiè  river crab; internet censorship (Great firewall of China)
河蟹 hé xiè  
河蟹 hé xiè  
河畔 hé pàn  riverside; river plain
莱茵河 Lái yīn hé  Rhine river
莱茵河 Lái yīn hé  

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