Memory phrase for the Kanji: 溃


Meaning be dispersed, break down, to fester/ulcerate




Left: water 氵, right: precious, expensive 贵 (A blooming flower [simplf. from 堇] and money 贝 are precious)


Even water, which is that precious is dispersing (=evaporating) AND: Water is precious with: an ulcer/abscess.


waterSimplified from this water 水
precious, expensive
blooming plant
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


崩溃 bēng kuì  to collapse; to crumble; to fall apart
溃疡 kuì yáng  ulcer; to ulcerate
击溃 jī kuì  to defeat; to smash; to rout
击溃 jī kuì  

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