Memory phrase for the Kanji: 炫


Meaning to boast, to show off, to dazzle




Left: fire 火, right: mysterious 玄 (part of magnet: 磁, where an upper bracket 艹 holds threads 玄 with hanging stones 石 that are mysterious.)


Like a fire that is mysterious is: sb. who is boasting.


fireAlso this radical 灬 stands for fire.
mysteriousThis radical is easy to remember if you think of “magnet 磁” (cf. magnet, porcelain 磁 [cí]), where stones 石 are hanging at strings 糸 (simplified to 幺 and fixed with a bracket 艹) behave mysteriously.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


炫耀 xuàn yào  to show off; to flaunt
炫目 xuàn mù  dazzling; blindingly bright
炫富 xuàn fù  to flaunt wealth; ostentatious
炫富 xuàn fù  

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