Memory phrase for the Kanji: 眠


Meaning sleep




Left: eye 目, right: people, nation 民 (several times 'family' 氏 behind each others as multiplier for the people.)


The eyes of the people are sleepy. [Is this a hint to the manipulability by the government?]


eyeImage of an eye with a central pupil 口.
people, nation
clanVariant of hill 丘. Clan families often had their estates on the top of hills. This developed into the family name.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


睡眠 shuì mián  sleeping; slumber
催眠 cuī mián  hypnosis
失眠 shī mián  (suffer from) insomnia
失眠 shī mián  

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