Memory phrase for the Kanji: 茬


Meaning stubble land after crop has been taken, an opportunity




Top: plant 艹, bottom: to exist, (located) at 在 (The talents 才 on earth 土 exist in doing ...) [talent 才 = when the big man 大 balances on one foot.]


(New) plants can exist here: on the stubble land.


grass, plantGrass or a rapid growing plant in general. It shows two plants growing through the ground, and is a simple variation of 艸.
talentWhen the big 大 person balances on one foot, he is talented. (Further radicals with „person“ are: sitting 匕, sitting cross-legged 夂, lying , kneeling ⺈, skilled才, bending マ,卩, slumped 㔾 or husband 夫)
earth, ground
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


茬口 chá kǒu  harvested land left for rotation; an opportunity
换茬 huàn chá  rotation of crops
换茬 huàn chá  
换茬 huàn chá  

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