Memory phrase for the Kanji: 蚕


Meaning silkworm




Top: sky/heaven 天, below: insect 虫


A heavenly insect is: the silkworm!


skyDon't mistake with "early death" 夭, even if there is some overlapping in the explanations. 
insectThe body 口 and the sting ム of an insect. Also this radical 昆 is understood as insect.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


蚕豆 cán dòu  broad bean (Vicia faba); fava bean
蚕蛹 cán yǒng  silkworm chrysalis; pupa
蚕丝 cán sī  natural silk (secreted by silkworm)
蚕蛾 cán é  Chinese silkworm moth (Bombyx mori)
蚕茧 cán jiǎn  silkworm cocoon
蚕茧纸 cán jiǎn zhǐ  paper made from silkworm cocoons
蚕茧纸 cán jiǎn zhǐ  

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