Memory phrase for the Kanji: 试


Meaning to try, experiment, examination, to test




Left: word 讠/言 (sound waves of a mouth 口), right: style, type 式 (Craftsmen 工 make sabers 弋 in their [preferred] style.)


Express your words in your style, at least you should try.


wordTraditionally written as 言, which shows sound waves out of a mouth.
type, styleform, pattern, ceremony
shoot, lanceIn the explanations this radical is referred as saber.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


试管 shì guǎn  test tube
考试 kǎo shì  to take an exam; exam
试验 shì yàn  experiment; test; experimental
试制 shì zhì  to try out a new product (or manufacturing process); prototype; trial product
尝试 cháng shì  to try; to attempt
妊娠试验 rèn shēn shì yàn  pregnancy test
妊娠试验 rèn shēn shì yàn  

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