Memory phrase for the Kanji: 阶


Meaning stairs, rank, step, hierarchy




Left: hill 阝, right: in-between 介 (The person 人 in this armor 丌 is in-between.)


For a hill, the 'in-between'-lying sections are the steps of a stairs.


betweenThe person 人 in this armor 丌 is in-between.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


工人阶级 gōng rén jiē jí  working class
阶层 jiē céng  hierarchy; stratum
阶段 jiē duàn  stage; section; phase; period
剥削阶级 bō xuē jiē jí  exploiting class (in Marxist theory)
阶级 jiē jí  (social) class
阶级斗争 jiē jí dòu zhēng  the class struggle
资产阶级革命 zī chǎn jiē jí gé mìng  bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)
资产阶级 zī chǎn jiē jí  the capitalist class; the bourgeoisie
无产阶级 wú chǎn jiē jí  proletariat
小资产阶级 xiǎo zī chǎn jiē jí  petty bourgeois
地主阶级 dì zhǔ jiē jí  land-owning classes
地主阶级 dì zhǔ jiē jí  

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