Memory phrase for the Kanji: 马


Meaning horse



simplified from 馬


Traditionally 馬 the image of a running horse ㄅ, with the mane in the wind ⌝, four legs 灬 and the tail フ.


horseSimplified from 馬, which is the image of a running horse with the mane in the wind, four legs 灬 and a tail.
fireAlso this radical 火 stands for fire.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


脱缰之马 tuō jiāng zhī mǎ  lit. a horse that has thrown off the reins (idiom); runaway horse; out of control
脱缰之马 tuō jiāng zhī mǎ  
脱缰之马 tuō jiāng zhī mǎ  
戎马 róng mǎ  military horse; by extension, military matters
马褂 mǎ guà  buttoned mandarin jacket of the Qing dynasty
马褂 mǎ guà  
马鞍 mǎ ān  saddle
鞍马 ān mǎ  pommel horse (gymnastics)
马克沁 Mǎ kè qìn  Sir Hiram Maxim (1840-1916), American British inventor of the Maxim machine gun
马克沁机枪 Mǎ kè qìn jī qiāng  Maxim machine gun
司马懿 Sī mǎ Yì  Sima Yi (179-251), warlord under Cao Cao and subsequently founder of the Jin dynasty
司马懿 Sī mǎ Yì  

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