Memory phrase for the Kanji: 魔


Meaning devil



Outside and top: hemp 麻 (The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp), bottom: demon 鬼 (death mask [accent ノ, field 田], legs 儿, nose 厶>)


Hemp is a demon like the devil.


hempSince hemp is illegal, it is not stored at home, but is well hidden. So: The building 广 in the forest 林 is for the hemp.
devil, demon, ghost
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


魔鬼 mó guǐ  devil
魔术 mó shù  magic
妖魔 yāo mó  demon
魔怔 mó zhēng  crazed; possessed; bewitched
魔杖 mó zhàng  magic wand
阎魔 Yán mó  variant of 阎罗; Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja
阎魔 Yán mó  

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