Memory phrase for the Kanji: 涂


Meaning to apply (salve, paint), to smear, to daub, scribble



Left: water 氵(here: liquid), right: excess/rest 余 (A heap is still on the altar 示 (= to show), thus in excess.)


If liquid is in excess, we can apply it like a salve/ointment.


waterSimplified from this water 水
remaining, excessUnder the roof, on the table, something is in excess.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


糊涂 hú tu  muddled; silly; confused
涂料 tú liào  paint
涂抹 tú mǒ  to paint; to smear; to apply (makeup etc); to doodle; to erase; to obliterate
涂抹 tú mǒ  

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