Memory phrase for the Kanji: 猜


Meaning to guess, assume, conjecture




Left: wild animal 犭 (dog on the hind legs), right: green/blue 青 (Growing plants appear in the moonshine 月 blue and young.)


When a wild animal appears like a plant in the moonshine, one only can guess (what it is).


wild animalShows in particular a wild dog on its hind legs.
blue, young
moon, monthWhen it is at the left in the character then often with the meaning "body part". If at the right, then as "moon, month, period".
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


猜想 cāi xiǎng  guess; conjecture; suppose; suspect
猜测 cāi cè  to guess; to conjecture; to surmise
猜疑 cāi yí  to suspect; to have misgivings; suspicious; misgivings
猜疑 cāi yí  

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