Memory phrase for the Kanji: 鄙


Meaning rustic, low, base, mean, to despise, to scorn



Left: 啚 (mouth 口, ten 十, revolve, return 回), right: village⻏


The mouth is ten times revolved in the village and this appears: rustic and mean.


tenTwo crossed forearms with 5 fingers each makes ten.
revolve, return
villageThis radical is always at the right side of the hanzi and means "village". Please note the difference to this radical 阝, which means "hill" and is always at the left side of the character.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


卑鄙 bēi bǐ  base; mean; contemptible; despicable
鄙夷 bǐ yí  to despise; to look down upon; despicable
鄙人 bǐ rén  your humble servant; I
鄙视 bǐ shì  to despise; to disdain; to look down upon
鄙亵语 bǐ xiè yǔ  vulgar expression; obscene expression
鄙亵 bǐ xiè  vulgar; disrespectful
鄙吝 bǐ lìn  vulgar; stingy; miserly; mean
鄙吝 bǐ lìn  

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