Memory phrase (Mnemonic) for: 多



many, much, numerous, multi-




Twice evening (When the moon is not yet fully there, it is only evening.)


Two evenings can be too many.


evening(This radical is similar to moon: , but at the evening the moon is not complete and thus only one inner line.)
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


大多数 dà duō shù (great) majority
萨尔瓦多 Sà ěr wǎ duō El Salvador
贝多芬 Bèi duō fēn Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
多寡 duō guǎ number; amount
厄瓜多尔 È guā duō ěr Ecuador
虱多不痒 shī duō bù yǎng many fleas, but unconcerned (idiom); no point in worrying about one debt when one has so many others; Troubles never come singly.; It never rains but it pours.
贪多嚼不烂 tān duō jiáo bù làn to bite off more than one can chew (idiom)
鄂尔多斯高原 È ěr duō sī Gāo yuán Ordos Plateau, Inner Mongolia
维多利亚瀑布 Wéi duō lì yà pù bù Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya on the Zambesi River, between Zambia and Zimbabwe
摇曳多姿 yáo yè duō zī swaying gently; moving elegantly
多胎妊娠 duō tāi rèn shēn multiple pregnancy

At the page you get the memory phrases for learning the Chinese Hanzi. If you are learning the Japanese kanji, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radials

To the Trainer