Memory phrase (Mnemonic) for: 斯



this, here, Slovakia



Left: Image of a grain shovel/scoop (tool for threshing), right: axe


A grain scoop threshes like an axe, like: THIS!


grain shovel/scoop(With a grain scoop (tool for threshing), grain was rhythmically [thus used in period ] thrown up to shead the grain from the husk. (cf. to winnow 簸))
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


法西斯 fǎ xī sī fascist (loanword)
道琼斯指数 Dào Qióng sī zhǐ shù Dow Jones industrial average (Wall street stock market index)
道琼斯 Dào Qióng sī Dow Jones industrial average
喀斯特 kā sī tè karst (loanword); weathered limestone often forming caves
阿拉斯加雪撬犬 Ā lā sī jiā Xuě qiào quǎn Alaskan Malamute
突厥斯坦 Tū jué sī tǎn Turkestan
鄂尔多斯高原 È ěr duō sī Gāo yuán Ordos Plateau, Inner Mongolia
阿喀琉斯 Ā kā liú sī Achilles (or Akhilleus or Achilleus), son of Thetis and Peleus, Greek hero central to the Iliad
法兰西斯・斐迪南 Fǎ lán xī sī · Fěi dí nán Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914), heir to the Hapsburg throne, whose assassination in Sarajevo led to World War I

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