Memory phrase (Mnemonic) for: 葫



bottle-gourd, calabash, allium scorodoprasum



Top: plant , below: beard, non-Han-person (Like old flesh / are the beards of the non-Han people.)


(The skin can be used as a drinking-vessel.) The plant where the 'old body' is used: The bottle-gourd.


grass, plant
beard, non-Han people
ancient, old, former(Originally derived from the picture of a skull, hence "old". But the idea of a burial mound is also helpful.)
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


葫芦 hú lu calabash or bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria); hoist; generic term for block and tackle (or parts thereof); muddled
闷葫芦 mèn hú lu lit. closed gourd; fig. enigma; complete mystery; taciturn person
电动葫芦 diàn dòng hú lu electric chain pulley block

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