Memory phrase (Mnemonic) for: 食



to eat, food, to feed


shí, sì


Top: a cover , below: good


A cover is put on the good food.


eat, food
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


食指 shí zhǐ forefinger; mouths to feed
食人鲨 shí rén shā man-eating shark, great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
膳食 shàn shí meal
食荼卧棘 shí tú wò jí to eat bitter fruit and lie on thorns (idiom); to share the hard life of the common people
废寝忘食 fèi qǐn wàng shí to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom); to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work
食蚁兽 shí yǐ shòu ant-eater (several different species)
喂食 wèi shí to feed
吞食 tūn shí to devour
饮食 yǐn shí food and drink
食欲 shí yù appetite
食用 shí yòng food product; to use as food; edible

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