Memory phrase (Mnemonic) for: 高



high, tall, your (honorific)




Image of a watch tower with two floors


A watch tower is high.


Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


高跷 gāo qiāo stilts; walking on stilts as component of folk dance
高音喇叭 gāo yīn lǎ ba tweeter
高举远蹈 gāo jǔ yuǎn dǎo to leave office for a high and distant place (idiom); to retire and place oneself above the fray
高蹈 gāo dǎo to travel far
踩高跷 cǎi gāo qiāo to walk on stilts
高村正彦 Gāo cūn Zhēng yàn KOMURA Masahiko (1942-), Japanese politician, foreign minister from 1998, minister of defense from 2007
高不可攀 gāo bù kě pān too high to reach (idiom); eminent and unapproachable
高良姜 gāo liáng jiāng Thai ginger; lesser galangale (Kaempferia galanga)
高官厚禄 gāo guān hòu lù high post and generous salary (idiom); promotion to a high official position
高楼大厦 gāo lóu dà shà tall buildings and large mansions; high-rise apartment building

At the page you get the memory phrases for learning the Chinese Hanzi. If you are learning the Japanese kanji, please follow this link.

List of the characters | List of the radials

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