Memory phrase for the Kanji: 荒



uncultivated, desolate, shortage, scarce




Top: plant , below: 巟 (dead (coffin in cross-section), river


The plants die and because of the river it becomes uncultivated.


grass, plant
death, to die
riverThe water was simplified as three lines and symbolizes the flow of the river.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


 荒唐  huāng táng  beyond belief; preposterous; absurd; intemperate; dissipated
 荒谬  huāng miù  absurd; ridiculous
 荒地  huāng dì  wasteland; uncultivated land
 荒凉  huāng liáng  desolate
 饥荒  jī huāng  crop failure; famine; debt; difficulty
 荒淫  huāng yín  licentious
 垦荒  kěn huāng  to open up land (for agriculture)
 荒芜  huāng wú  left to return to unchecked growth; overgrown; grown wild
 业荒于嬉  yè huāng yú xī  to be distracted from one's work and fail to achieve results (idiom)
 业荒于嬉  yè huāng yú xī  

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