Memory phrase for the Kanji: 荒
荒 |
| uncultivated, desolate, shortage, scarce
Pronunciation |
huāng |
Explanation |
Top: plant 艹, below: 巟 (dead 亡 (coffin in cross-section), river 川 |
The plants die and because of the river it becomes uncultivated.
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!
荒唐 |
huāng táng |
beyond belief; preposterous; absurd; intemperate; dissipated |
荒谬 |
huāng miù |
absurd; ridiculous |
荒地 |
huāng dì |
wasteland; uncultivated land |
荒凉 |
huāng liáng |
desolate |
饥荒 |
jī huāng |
crop failure; famine; debt; difficulty |
荒淫 |
huāng yín |
licentious |
垦荒 |
kěn huāng |
to open up land (for agriculture) |
荒芜 |
huāng wú |
left to return to unchecked growth; overgrown; grown wild |
业荒于嬉 |
yè huāng yú xī |
to be distracted from one's work and fail to achieve results (idiom) |
业荒于嬉 |
yè huāng yú xī |
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