Memory phrase for the Kanji: 阻


Meaning to obstruct, to hinder, to block, prevent



Left: hill 阝, right: further/moreover 且 (A pile of stones [= a stone cairn] where moreover stones are added.)


Hills, piled like stone piles are an obstruction.


and; moreover; yet
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


阻力 zǔ lì  obstacle; hindrance; resistance; obstruction
阻滞 zǔ zhì  to clog up; silted up
阻拦 zǔ lán  to stop; to obstruct
阻挡 zǔ dǎng  to stop; to resist; to obstruct
劝阻 quàn zǔ  to advise against; to dissuade
阻挠 zǔ náo  to thwart; to obstruct (sth)
阻碍 zǔ ài  to obstruct; to hinder; to block
阻止 zǔ zhǐ  to prevent; to block
电阻 diàn zǔ  electrical resistance (impedance)
阻遏 zǔ è  to impede; to hold sb back
阻遏 zǔ è  

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