Memory phrase (Mnemonic) for: 罗



to sift, gauze, to collect, chatty




Fishing net or variant of eyes 罒, bottom: evening (When the moon is not yet fully there, it is only evening.)


With the net until the evening: We have to sift it.


to sift
net(sometimes simplified to 罒.)
evening(This radical is similar to moon: , but at the evening the moon is not complete and thus only one inner line.)
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


华罗庚 Huà Luó gēng Hua Luogeng (1910-1985), Chinese number theorist
罗嗦 luō suo long-winded; wordy; troublesome
达罗毗荼 Dá luó pí tú Dravidian (general term for South Indian people and languages)
罗圈儿揖 luó quānr yī to bow around with hands joined (to people on all sides)
侏罗纪 Zhū luó jì Jurassic (geological period 205-140m years ago)
侏罗 Zhū luó Jura mountains of eastern France and extending into Switzerland
罗姗 Luó shān Roxanne or Roxane or Rosanna(name)
罗缕纪存 luó lǚ jì cún to record and preserve
摩托罗垃 Mó tuō luó lā Motorola (company)
罗马 Luó mǎ Rome

List of the characters | List of the radials

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