Memory phrase (Mnemonic) for: 收



to receive, to accept, to collect




Left: twist (= intertwined threads) But here: part of sprout , right: strike 攵 (but here: 攵 as a part of that sprout in a hand


From the sprout the hand collected sth. to receive it.


twisted threads
rap, strike(Shows originally a hand with a whip . It is usually simplified to 攵. Other radicals with a hand are: )
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


回收 huí shōu to recycle; to reclaim; to retrieve; to recover
收拾 shōu shi to put in order; to tidy up; to pack; to repair; to punish (colloquial); to manage
收支 shōu zhī cash flow; financial balance; income and expenditure
征收 zhēng shōu to levy (a fine); to impose (a tariff)
收割 shōu gē to harvest; to reap; to gather in crops
收音机 shōu yīn jī radio
税收 shuì shōu taxation
丰收 fēng shōu bumper harvest
收集 shōu jí to gather; to collect
收缩 shōu suō to pull back; to shrink; to contract
收购 shōu gòu to purchase (from various places); to acquire (a company)

List of the characters | List of the radials

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