Memory phrase (Mnemonic) for: 离



to leave, to part from, distant, without sth.



Top: trash can (cover and grim [= container with dreadful content]), below: (part of scorpion )


Into the trash with the scorpion, so that it "leaves" us.


to part from
trash can(At the top a cover and below "fearful " which is free interpreted as "trash can".)
fierce, fearful
Tip: Go to the radicals that are contained in this character and learn all the characters with this radical systematically!


离子 lí zǐ ion
颠沛流离 diān pèi liú lí homeless and miserable (idiom); to wander about in a desperate plight; to drift
擅离职守 shàn lí zhí shǒu AWOL (Absent Without Leave, military term)
隔离 gé lí to separate; to isolate
游离 yóu lí to disassociate; to drift away; to leave (a collective); free (component)
离心 lí xīn centrifugal (force)
离合器 lí hé qì clutch
脱离 tuō lí to separate oneself from; to break away from, abscission
距离 jù lí distance; to be apart
电离 diàn lí ion; ionized (e.g. gas)
等离子体 děng lí zǐ tǐ plasma (physics)

List of the characters | List of the radials

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